Time on Navy Orders

Time Left in Iraq

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

NMPS San Diego Day 3

The day began back at Medical where I had to start the day with another shot, a Typhoid shot, which can tend to hurt a bit. After this I sat around for a while waiting for my medical record to be reviewed and signed off. Finally it happened, I then received a new set of dog tags, and I was released for the rest of the day to take care of administrative and personal issues. I have included a couple of pictures, one is the visitor quarters where I am staying, the second is a Navy Ship down by the docks.

The Naval Base here is made up of two sections called the "Dry Side", and the "Wet Side". The visitor quarters where I am staying is on the Dry Side, there is a walk way over a road way, and railroad tracks which goes over to the Wet Side. We set out to find the Post Office on the Wet Side so that we can mail our uniforms home on Friday. We will be receiving new Desert Uniforms at Ft Jackson, and will not need the Navy Uniforms any more. I don't have much space in my luggage, as I am trying to pack as light as I can, as anything I take with me at this point I will have to carry with me to Iraq. Sending my Navy Uniform home will make room for other things to take with me to Iraq.

Donnelly Hall "Dry Side"

Navy Docks "Wet Side"

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